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Hi! Amanda Miklos here.

Life coach. Health coach. Wellness coach. Mama to three hooligans (otherwise called children). Artist, creative, and dreamer. Kitchen dancer and Thai food lover. Deep feeler and joy seeker. Living a healthy, radiant, fun life.

And yet, it wasn’t always this way.


My Story

Four years ago, I was burned out. To. The. Max. I felt exhausted, overwhelmed, unhealthy, and wasn’t enjoying motherhood. I had 3 kids under 5, wasn’t nourishing my body or feeding my soul, and as a result, my health and wellbeing suffered. Even though I had it all, I felt trapped and alone and didn’t want to admit it.

But it didn’t have to be that way.

I wanted to enjoy my motherhood journey and have fun again. I wanted to feel radiant. Alive. Beautiful. I wanted to shed the weight I carried (both physically and metaphorically) and feel lighter. I wanted to live my best life. And I couldn’t do any of that unless I took care of myself first: body, mind, and soul.

So I did just that! I started caring for my wellbeing in a million little ways (that I’m so excited to share with you!). And big shifts happened when I started getting coached (cue Hallelujah by Andy Grammer). Slowly but surely, I was feeling happier and healthier.

Life is short. Let’s make it sweet!

I found my way back to myself, and I can help you, too. I’m a certified ADAPT Health Coach and trained Martha Beck Life Coach, and recently passed my NBHWC exam, making me board certified as a health coach. As a result, I have a unique perspective that gives my clients the best of both worlds. Wellness is being healthy in body, mind, and soul.

Ready to rock your health goals, have more fun, and love life again?

I love reconnecting women to their health and well-being! I help them find the inspiration and motivation to make big changes in their lives. Nothing is more satisfying than when a coaching conservation starts at a place of overwhelm and ends with a sense of empowerment.

My coaching style is compassionate, supportive, and judgement-free, but we laugh, too. You have all the insight and wisdom you need; it just takes some powerful questions and the space to talk things out to get to it.


Coaching is the magic that transforms what you want into what you have!


"Coaching with Amanda helped me realize that just having a safe place to express anything going on in my life was more therapeutic than I thought. It was a pleasant experience and I believe that anyone can benefit from her coaching."


Ready to have fun and feel radiant in motherhood?

Motherhood is a beautiful journey, but can leave you feeling exhausted and disconnected. together, we can change that!