Serenity Now! Tips for a sane holiday season

It is officially the holiday season! December brings so much joy, gratitude, and wonder. The sights, lights, music, the togetherness, the flavors. No holiday has so much indulgence, sparkle and joy. Yet, as moms, we also know how stressful the holidays can be. We tend to be the bringer of magic, the orchestrator of schedules, and the director of gift giving. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the never-ending holiday to-do list and pressure to make it magical. Add to that the constant parade of treats to over-indulge in, often leaving us feeling less than stellar. Between the stress and the ditching of healthy habits that serve us, it's a recipe for disaster. Oh, and let's not forget that we are still in a pandemic. It's enough to make your head spin.

With all this beautiful craziness, it is essential to hold on to habits that serve us. Whether you just need a little reminder to keep up on healthy habits, or you are reestablishing habits that fell by the wayside, December is a great month to re-commit to self-care. Not only will it help you manage the craziness of the holidays, but you can go into 2022 feeling empowered, instead of full of regret.

Here are a few reminders to help make your holidays calm and bright:

1. Simplify- Find ways to simplify your to-do list. What can you ditch? Where can you trade hustle for calm? Who can help you out? Make magic memories around things that fill up your bucket, instead of things that exhaust. Editing your to-do list allows more time for your self-care habits.

2. Slow down- It is easy to speed through the holidays, not thoroughly enjoy them, then feel nothing but relief when they are over. Make sure to slow a little and notice the beautiful moments. I find a meditation practice helps with this. Scheduling down time is another great way to slow down.

3. Set a holiday intention- What is it that you want out of the holiday season? Peace? Connection? Joy? Look at what you want and make sure your plan reflects it. If you are seeking peace, then shopping at the 11th hour doesn't align with your intention. Set your holiday intentions to guide you through the season.

4. Grace and acceptance- Offer yourself grace when things don't go as you planned, and acceptance when you are in a situation you can't control (hello holiday shopping lines). I love having plans and feeling accomplished, but when things fall short, grace allows me to move on easily, instead of getting caught up on the "failure" feeling of it. I truly believe that grace and acceptance are the two best tools in our happiness toolbox.

Whatever your December looks like, I hope you a wonderful holiday season. I wish you happiness, health, connection, peace, and above all, love.

Happy Holidays!