Mini Meditation Guide: Your How-to for More Calm

The kids are bickering. Your dog is barking at who knows what. You have to send one last email sent for work. There are a whole lot of tears (and the kids a bit tired, too). And you still need to get dinner on the table!

Mom life can be a bit crazy at times (understatement of the year, I know)!  

There is no magic cure for the stress and anxiety our lives can bring, but there are things you can do to help. I believe meditation is one of the best tools we have (and it’s free). Meditation is a great way to relax, find your center, and put some space between you and your thoughts and reactions. It gives you the space and patience to react positively, to feel more in control and less stressed. And who doesn’t want more of that?

So, how to get started? Here is my mini meditation guide to help you find the calm in crazy.   

  1. Find a quiet location. You can sit, lay down, or even do a walking meditation. Just be comfy and relaxed.

  2. Find the right app/music/silence. Choose what will work best for you. Headspace is a great app for beginners. Calm app has a huge selection of meditations. I personally love this meditation music: Weightless by Marconi Union. Or just, go with silence.

  3. Make it short. It is better to meditate for 5 minutes every day than for an hour once a week. Make it maintainable.

  4. Find a scent you like to associate with meditation. This is totally optional, but I find using essential oils (Frankincense and Sandalwood is my current blend) helps ground me and tells my body what about to happen. I rub a few drops between my hands and inhale deeply. Plus, it makes me feel like I’m at the spa.

  5. Let go of perfection and accept it as it is. If you kids come in, just keep meditating. Or the doorbell rang. Whatever it is, just allow it to unfold and keep up the practice. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be effective.

  6. Reminder: You don’t need to quiet your mind. Just notice what’s happening in there. So many people believe that if they don’t quiet their mind, they are failing. There is no failing in meditation. Just notice what comes up, and then let it pass. Don’t get stuck on your thoughts.

    For more meditation info, check out this blog I wrote: Can Meditation Make You a Better Mom?