Finding balance in motherhood + 3 tips to get there



It’s the big, white whale of motherhood. That elusive, ever changing, almost impossible feat. You know, that perfect spot where you have time for the important things and you don’t feel pulled in a million directions. That sense of peace and calm that comes from being balanced. Maybe you believe it isn’t possible. While finding it can be hard, it’s totally worth it and makes enjoying your life so much easier.

For a long time, balance wasn’t something I was seeking. I thought being a good mom was giving my everything to my children. Their health and happiness was my #1 priority. And you know where that left me? Burned out and bitter. No balance, whatsoever. With time, I realized that I needed a change and I desired true balance. Where things felt good, calm, and occasionally, easy.

These days, my life feels balanced most of the time, and I know how to get back in balance when I’m out of whack. And I can feel calm and content even when I’m not balanced. It’s a win-win.

Are you wanting a bit more balance in your days?


Here are 3 tips that make finding balance a little easier.

  1. Prioritizing Yourself

    This is a key piece in balance. So often, we are juggling a job, kids, a partner, extended family, activities, etc. But if you don’t put yourself on that list, it will never feel balanced (or fun for that matter 😉). Make sure to include you in your everyday to-do list. When my kids were babies, that might have been a shower (man, I don’t miss those days((wait, I kinda do!)). Now, that looks like meditation, reading a great book, or dancing in the kitchen. Put yourself on the calendar, just as you would any important date, because guess what honey, you are important!! You are the most important thing!

  2. Edit the Unnecessary

    I’ll admit, I’ve become a bit of a minimalist. I get rid of things in my home that are not needed, and I am happy to do the same with extra obligations that don’t serve me or my family. I’m very protective of our time and energy. And I have found that this is critical in feeling balanced in my life. Deciding to kick the things that just clutter up your time can offer you the time to do the fun, fulfilling, and delightful things that make up a memorable life.

    Often, when we run ourselves ragged with too many obligations, our body sidelines us anyway, making us drop the unnecessary. Do yourself a favor, edit the unnecessary now, and spare your body the work! (Side note: our bodies have wisdom beyond our wildest dreams. We’ll talk more about our body’s wisdom in a later article).

  3. Acceptance

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, accepting where you are at is a key element for your happiness and your balance. Practice being ok in each moment, and you will be ok in every moment. Acceptance takes awareness though, so that is where things like meditation come in to play. The sooner you can accept whatever situation you may be in, the sooner you can move through the emotions of it and the faster you can work your way back to balance. Acceptance, acceptance, acceptance!

Are you struggling to incorporate balance, or need support while you practice prioritizing yourself, simplifying, or acceptance?

Schedule a free 30-minute session with me and see how we can work on finding the balance in your life!